Aarhus University Seal

Astronomy on Tap (AoT)

Astronomy on Tap (AoT) Aarhus is an outreach initiative with the goal of informing the public on topics related to astronomy and space research via accessible and engaging presentations in the relaxed and informal settings of a bar. AoT events are free to everyone and feature in addition to science related presentations also trivia, games, prizes, the latest news on astronomy, and the possibility for the audience to interact and ask questions to the speakers. AoT Aarhus provides an excellent platform to showcase to the public the breath of topics and fields related to space and astronomy and can with its untraditional setting reach a different target audience than is usually the case for public lectures given in more academic environments. Aarhus Space Centre provides a valuable connection point for the many diverse fields having space as a common focus. In addition to the Aarhus University based management of the group, AoT Aarhus will also include several students in the planning and execution of the monthly events.

Working Group charter


Upcomming AoT-events will be annonced under "Events" at the Space.au.dk webpage.

WG Chair

Mikkel Nørup Lund

Associate Professor Department of Physics and Astronomy

WG vice chair

Jakob Lysgaard Rørsted

Systems Developer Department of Physics and Astronomy