Aarhus University Seal

The Danish PLATO Office (DPO)

The Danish PLATO Office (DPO) oversees the activities in the ESA PLATO (Planetary Transits and Oscillations of Stars) mission with a Danish contribution. Danish researchers are responsible for and/or contribute actively to several work packages related to the development of the PLATO data analysis pipeline before the scheduled launch of the mission in late 2026. DPO will ensure that all responsibilities to the mission are met, and that deliverables of the work are provided in a timely manner.

In the operational phase of the PLATO the DPO will oversee the continued technical contribution to the mission in the form of pipeline development and quality assessment. When data becomes available from PLATO the DPO will organize the scientific exploitation of these by Danish researchers and coordinate the optimum use of other Danish observing facilities (NOT, SONG, etc.) to support the mission. During the mission, the DPO WG aims to organize a number of workshops related to the PLATO activities with Danish involvement.

Working Group files

Working Group charter