Aarhus University Seal

Satellite Ground Stations (SATGS)

To support AU’s ongoing and future satellite missions we will strengthen the capability of delivering ground station services. The capability will help us to assess offers by satellite vendors, facility make-or-buy decisions, support educational activities and student involvement, and strengthen international collaboration.

DISCO and DISCO-2 satellite missions require UHF and S-band ground station support. The coming STEP A and STEP B plans to employ X-band and Ku-band communication services, respectively. While the DISCO satellites offer a strong platform for student involvement and collaboration among Danish universities, the STEP mission is founded in collaboration with the Danish space industry and international partners. 

The SATGS WG aims to strengthen AU’s capability and competence in radio frequency design, satellite communications, ground station operations, and the capacity to assess vendor documentation and test radio frequency equipment. The ground stations serve as a research infrastructure for communication research.

Working Group Files